It's been a long time coming but after a lot of consideration and
thought I have decided that starting this page is something that I
needed to do. Not for money or recognition but just to prove to myself
that the clothes I make are relevant and an art form that I can share
with other people. I welcome your comments and input.
....And if while you're looking around you see something you think
you might like to have, send me a message and we can discuss it. I
can't ever guarantee that I can exactly replicate anything you see on my
page however simply because I buy fabric randomly and it may not be
available when you make your request!
Today was a day for contemplation and learning. Contemplation
because for whatever reason even though I have been toying with the idea
of this page for almost 3 years actually doing it was very
anti-climactic. I haven't had many comments( Thank you to Mila for the
first post on my wall and thank you to Billy for liking everything)and
the likes are coming slowly. I keep reassuring myself that once I post
new pictures of things ya'll have never seen before you'll comment and
maybe even share with your friends. I have also had time to form ideas
about some new designs (sorry those are a surprise, but if I do drawings
maybe I'll post some!) and also some styling ideas for current
designs. This weekend will also be the first time I introduce men's
clothing to my page.
On the side of learning I learned that as much as I despise sewing
buttons and doing button holes remembering how to use grommet pliers to
put in snaps may be even worse. I have finished the snaps on 2 men's
shirts and think I'll call it day.....anymore and I might be having to
explain the blood stains on the collar!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Today was my favorite
part of the creative circle. Completion! I have a new model by the name
of Brandi, she is much smaller that other models I sometimes use as
well as myself, so I had to alter a few things just for her! Completion
is my favorite part of the creative circle because I love the reactions
I see in people when I present them with their new garments after all
of the final alterations and finish work are done. I posted a few
pictures of the tops I made for Ms. Brandi, one is similar to things I
have done before and one that is a completely new pattern. She looks
wonderful in both and I will be glad to share any comments you guys
leave with her.
You will also see the first pictures of my smallest model...Adriana,
Brandi's daughter. With any luck both of them will be willing to model
for me in the future. Thank you both soo much for your help, I
appreciate it more than you know.
I also cut 2 new patterns today and with any luck I will be able to translate them into actual garments at some point this week.
This week has been a wonderfully creative week! I finished an
adorable new top for myself, I delivered a completed garment to one of
my oldest friends, I have started a beautiful dress for another friend
and I even did some tailoring for one of the C/O's at work. (I should
probably deposit the check from those in the bank)

I have been sketching more, something I rarely do but I'm finding
that it is very helpful in working out designs without actually having
to cut things and make a mess. Although ultimately cutting things and
making a mess is my favorite part second only to seeing someone's
reaction the first time they put on a finished garment!
I know I promised new pictures next weekend, but I saw a pony and got
side tracked! We are supposed to have beautiful weather here in the
desert this weekend so with any luck Monday I will once again bombard
your streams with new pictures. I would also like to ask those of you
that have my creations that I don't have pictures of please take a
picture with your phone next time you think about it and post it to the
My goal for the week was to get to 15 likes, I only need 3 more TELL
YOUR FRIENDS!!!! My ultimate goal is to have 26, that entitles me to my
own user name that I can put on business cards and stuff so I can share
with others. I owe a couple people very warm and heartfelt thanks.
Will my old partner in wine has been super supportive and even invited
his friends to check out my page and oldest friend.....I can
by no means begin to tell you how much it means to me to have your
support not to mention your understanding of my creative insanity. I
also need to thank my amazing husband James you are soo supportive and
so patient when I bounce ideas off of you even when you have NO idea
what I'm talking about. Having the support of friends makes this
slightly scary venture that much more bearable.
I am having a wonderful time sharing my thoughts with all of you as
well as my designs and please remember if you ever see something you
like let me know.....while I might not be able to replicate it exactly I
may be able to customize it just for you!
I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I have again fallen down on the
job, I got side tracked this weekend...a grocery shopping trip that
took all day, a fight with a chainsaw ( I just watched that part) and
one hell of a Super Bowl party....and didn't get any new pictures taken.
During our Superbowl party where there was only a little actual foot
ball watching going on I introduced my clothes to a couple of new people
and have already gotten requests for creations of their own. I also took
some time to buy fabric and spent this afternoon finishing my friend
Red Dean's dress. I posted the working picture earlier and got some
positive feed back which always makes me feel better (believe it or not I
am usually terrified that the people I make things for are going to
hate them and never wear them). I'm working on a couple new idea's and
also starting to sketch a few things for my littlest model, she knows my
house as the place they go to ''get more clothes'' so I figure I should
have something ready for her the next time she comes over.
Thank you to everyone who has commented and for all of the positive
feedback you have given me both in person and on my page, it means the
world to me.
With any luck this week won't be as crazy as last week was and I'll
have some more time to dedicate to my creative endeavors.
Hello----I hope everyone had a lovely Valentines day! If you noticed
I posted some new pictures on Monday night, but nearly as many as I had
planned. I literally found something shiny and got side tracked. A
great friend introduced me to 2 WONDERFUL fabric stores in Tempe, one
called Tempe Sales where you can buy everything from buttons in bulk to
cowhide and everything you can think of at fairly low prices and SAS
fabrics, they specialize in discontinued stuff and bolt ends but I love
any place where I can get felted taffeta for $2.99 a yard and faux fur
for $5 a pound. Both places are wonderful for creative inspiration (I
should know I brought home close to 15 yards of fabric between both

The dress that I posted the working photos of last week arrived at
it's destination on Monday and the new owner is VERY pleased. She let
me know that she had to make a few minor adjustments to the hem and add a
tack to the bodice, I offered to do it for her if she wanted to send it
back, but she said she could handle it. (I think she's afraid if she
sends it back she'll never see it again....) I feel terrible that it
wasn't perfect, but I did the best I could with only basic measurements
and no dress form to work on. The dress form issue should be resolved
tomorrow, James insisted I needed one and it should be arriving tomorrow
afternoon. I'm soooo excited! I have some really great ideas but they
require creating new patterns so to speak and I don't want to do that
with out seeing how it will look when it's through.

I'm hoping for nice weather and a little less of a busy weekend so
that maybe I can take some more pictures and finally have everything in
my closet available for view (or at least the stuff I've made and would
like to share!)
Thanks again to everyone for all of the positive feed back!

It's been about a week since the last time I posted any notes. I have
no excuse other than a horrible attack of allergies and ABSOLUTE
craziness at my real job over the last week weeks. I had a pretty
productive weekend.....I'm about 85% done with my birthday dress (now
just to find a place to wear my fancy birthday dress). I have also
started work on a sort of over jacket to wear to wear with work
clothes. I also have done some sketches and finished a piece for my
littlest model. This weekend is shaping up to be very hectic so I don't
forsee much creative time,but with any luck the dreaded allergies will
let up within the next day or so and I can use some of my pent up
creative energy.
In other adventures, I spoke with a photographer friend of mine...and
she has come up with some amazing ideas for some great ''art'' shots of
some of my dresses.......with any luck we can get decent weather
sometime soon and get them taken!
Thanks for reading and for visiting the quilted elephant
WOW! It's amazing how fast time gets's been almost a month
since my last post...then again I don't know if anybody other than the
ladies at Family Ties Photo and Mila Bowman Creations actually read it,
but what the heck maybe someday I'll have a HUGE following and I can
look back and smile at where it all started.
The last month has been very hectic at my real job, but that
craziness has led to some amazing creativity. I designed finished and
delivered a dress for a friend that I have named "Barb-Wire and Roses".
Delivery is still my favorite part of the process and I have never
experienced someone who was not only pleased with their dress but so
excited that they sent me a message the next day asking if they were
crazy because they wanted to wear their dress everyday!

In reward of my absolutely crazy work schedule of late I had a 5 day
weekend...I was able to sew 3 of the 5 days. I worked on my Birthday
dress and currently have a contest going on my page to give it a name. I
worked through a new pattern and found a design that not only have I
fallen in love with, but so have several people who have never commented
on my page before. This is a definite check in the win category! So
much so that I have already had a request for one from a new client.
Kristi your dress should be done before you head fro Cali on the 12th
(providing everything goes the way I'm hoping this weekend)
My page has reached 21 likes, 4 more between now and my birthday
(Easter for those of you that don't know when my b-day is) and I will
have reached my latest goal.
I have had a wonderful time sharing my creations with all of you and I
appreciate your feedback. I hope you will all stick with me to see
what else there is to come
It's hard to believe that more than a month has gone by since the
last time I updated.....I guess that just shows how busy life can be!
In the last six weeks I have had lots of inspiration , LOTS of
frustration , I've been blessed with my favorite part of this process,
completion and delivery and I've even had to deal with a little bit of

The last month has been very inspiring. April and May bring what we
call spring time to AZ (the rest of the world calls 85-95 degree weather
summer). This means it's time to start thinking about sun dresses and
summer work clothes. I've found some wonderful new pattern pieces and
even combined a few things to make a couple new designs, I've found some
great summer material and I've smiled. This is easily my favorite time
of year and I honestly think it shows in the fun and whimsy of some of
my designs and it has also lead me to the realization that I am indeed
the girl that would rather make a new outfit to wear to work instead of
doing laundry, but I'm ok with that that! I have several more really
great ideas brewing so stay tuned you might see something you like!

The last 6 weeks have also been wrought with a good bit of
frustration. My real job has been a little more demanding than usual and
that tends to cut into my creative time, my sewing machine has an
attitude problem and decided it would be ok to start snagging the edges
of very delicate material and tying the bobbin threads in knots (please
order lots of new things from me.....part of the money goes to the buy
Casey a new sewing machine fund!) and of course with the summer weather I
love comes the wind and leaving windows open in the evening...nothing
says frustrated like having to retrieve and reorganize pieces from
probably 5 different patterns that have blown all over the studio! Here
in about a month I'll have the kiddos here and maybe I can get them to
help, but more than likely I'll have to take some time off from sewing.
It's hard to find time to sew with the three kids running around
(thankfully the middle one likes to sew with me so we can find time to
work together).

During the last 6 weeks I have also experienced my favorite part of
the creative process, completion and delivery. The ''Hey Bus Driver''
dress was a smashing success with it's new owner. This was a huge relief
since it had to travel all the way to Gulfport, MS and was done only
with measurements and a dress form, it was also one of the things that
my machine decided to snag and make a mess of. The ''Blue Bandana''
mini dress was for another friend (I so wanted to keep it! I love that
dress! I guess that means I'll have to make myself one!) and while that
dress presented a HUGE challenge (the owner is only about 4 feet tall
and the length and proportion were a little bit tough) she loved it and
has asked for another like it. I also got to experience the other side
of completion and delivery in April. Several months ago Mila Bowman
started a custom collage piece for me (I seriously thought she was going
to hold it hostage until we made it to San Diego to visit) and after
MONTHS of waiting she shipped it. It arrived at the end of an
absolutely devastating week and changed my whole outlook. I know how
have a little bit of an understanding to what all of you feel when I
send you that message telling you that your dress is either ready for
pick up or has been shipped. Mila thank you so much my collage is
beautiful and will be an amazing addition to my studio as soon as I
finish the cleaning and organization project I am currently undertaking.

As i mentioned I also had to deal with a little bit of failure in the
last few weeks. I have been sewing since I was pretty much old enough
to reach the foot peddle while sitting in one of Gramma's kitchen chairs
and I have had my fair share of designs that have gone totally haywire,
but the most recent one really upsets me. The birthday dress that you
were all so kind as to help name turned out to be a colossal disaster.
It looked great on the form it even looks great on the hanger but as
soon as I put it on it went from bad to worse. The skirt is to long (ok
that's not hard to fix) after having to be replaced because the first
material turned into strings as soon as scissors hit it. The straps
won't stay up and if I make them shorter they look over worked and the
bodice part (the pink part) looks great on the form but looks like the
seams are gonna burst when I put it on. This could be a situation where I
just need to find a smaller person to wear it, but either way it really
disappointed me. Thankfully other than that most of my projects
recently have come out the way the were supposed or were salvageable so
that no one other than me knew they weren't right.
Again thanks to everyone who takes a second to stop by and read my
musings. It helps me keep track of what I'm doing when just in the
event I forget what I was doing when and need to know.
As always I welcome your comments and input.
Oh wait! I forgot to mention something.....some of you may have
noticed that our profile picture has changed. This was a card given to
me on my birthday my Mila Bowman, it has become the official ''Quilted
Elephant''. This is actually very fitting since the elephant figurine
that inspired the name ''Quilted Elephant Clothing Designs'' was also a
gift from the lovely Mrs. Bowman.
Have a great weekend everyone! I look forward to your input!
Wow! What a slacker I am! It's been about 6 weeks since I updated.
Then again I'm pretty sure no one really reads it except Jessica at
Family Ties Photos and Mila Bowman over at Mila BowmanCreations. I
entered a new stage of business development over the last month. I have
completely revamped my website (still a work in progress but much more
user friendly than the old one was) and I have started using pinterest.
Like everything else it is very slow going but a great big thank you
to the 4 followers I have! Tell your friends.....have them tell their
friends! I would like to have 30 followers by September first.
As those of you that monitor my Facebook now I have been on quite the
sewing binge lately! There are some weekends I spend 24 or more working
on different projects. This is good it's almost like therapy for me!
I'll be adding pictures as soon as we can find someplace to take them
where I won't melt (the average daily temp here has been 100 degrees
plus since the end of May and most days have been 105-109). I will
also be starting my juniors step kids have arrived for
the summer and my middle one is a fashionista in training.
I was kinda cut off in the middle of Friday's notes, the wonders of
having kids around who's attention span doesn't last long. The last few
weeks have not only been a time of development on the business side, but
also a time of great introspection. Several of my friends who are of
the creative bent have decided it's time to to act...time to start doing
what they do ''for real'' as a ''real'' source of income. So yesterday
while sitting in a shallow spot in the Salt River watching kids play
and keeping an eye out to make sure my husband and his youngest daughter
didn't get caught by the current and set adrift while the walked to the
middle of the river to sit on a big rock I started thinking, do I need
to do that? Do I need to start thinking up a business plan? Should I be
working harder at this than I am, should I be developing it into more
than just a hobby that sometimes brings in a little extra cash? Then it
happened out of nowhere I hear this rather loud annoying voice in the
thought back to early 2003 and on through to late 2005. This was a time
when I did ALOT of sewing for other people, not only mending and
alterations like I do know, but entire wedding parties and whole summer
collections for someones beach vacations and baby clothes and the list
goes on and on. I thought about how great it was having the extra money
(something that everyone enjoys) and then I remembered the crushing
panic attacks and the sleepless nights trying to completely rework a
bridesmaids dress because the stupid girl measured her self wrong and is
not the ''perfect size 3'' she thought she was. The longer I sat there
the more it became clear I design clothing and make beautiful garments
that the people that own them love, but I also came to the realization
that I am much happier with it being a lucrative hobby that helps
finance family vacations and my incurable fabric addiction. I stopped
sewing on 2005 and it was almost 3 years before I had any desire to
actually create again. I have come a long way since 2008, using sewing
and design as a kind of therapy, but I have also become secure enough in
what I do that my work will speak for itself and that word of mouth is
the best way to spread the word about what I do. I will maintain my
website (if for no other reason than it's a great way to show my stuff
off to people that I don't really want lurking around on facebook) and I
will keep adding to pinterest as I make new designs and take new
pictures, I will even make up some cutesy business cards that I can
include in my packages for my current customers to give out to friends,
but I won't stress my self out with a business plan and all of those
mean scary numbers. I am ok with having a real job part of the week and
using the other days to work on my designs.
I hope those of you that are striving to finish those business plans
and take your creativity to the next step achieve all that you have
hoped for! I just couldn't do it and I'm not willing to try again the
hardest thing I ever had to do was not sew. Even though I didn't have
the desire or the need for those years I still missed creating and for
me the creation and the delivery are the most wonderful parts of what I
I thank everyone that has stuck by me in this little adventure, I
hope you are all willing to hang on for the ride, all be it probably a
slow plodding one with some really scenery along the way.
I hope everyone has a creative and wonderful week!

Maybe I should call this my monthly creative seems
that here lately that's about how long I go between entries. This month
has been interesting to say the least. My step kids have been here a
little over a month and this is really only the second full creative day
I've been able to take. It's hard to explain to bored kids that this
may look like I'm not doing anything to you, but really I am working. My
solution tot his has been to involve them as much as I can. My middle
daughter has already made herself a sundress pretty much from start to
finish and has assisted me on making a couple of jumpers for her little
cousins birthday and another top for herself. My older daughter has
been a great pin cushion this week, I am almost finished with her new
swim suit (hopefully today if I can get past this overwhelming need for a
nap) and later this afternoon we will be starting the first piece in
her new clothes for school collection. The rest will be projects for
next week since we are making a visit to the happiest place in
Tempe....SAS bulk fabric store this weekend to search out some more
pretty knits for the girls school clothes. Knits are the easiest since
they generally don't require special washing instructions and those can
be a little rough on teenagers who haven't yet reached the stage of
actually sorting the laundry as opposed to just piling it into the
washer all at one time.

A couple weeks ago I introduced you through photo's to a fellow
crafter, Jessica is the lead photog for Family Ties Photography, but
she is also a champion Tu-Tu maker! If you get a chance check out her
page there are some wonderful pictures of my middle daughter as well as a
couple of nieces in Tu-tu's! From time to time I will be sharing other
people's creativity as part of my page because well I hope they will
share mine to and Jessica has been one of my biggest cheer leaders and
is also one of my best customers!
Other the weekend I was also tasked with something awesome. I was
asked to make a friends wedding dress. I have made bridal gowns a few
times in the past, but never before has anyone been so excited with my
designs and been so willing to let me be involved in the creative
process instead of just bringing me a pattern and a stack of bridal
magazines and insisting that they want ''THAT ONE'' but not that
expensive and with a different back and the front this one has and on
and on and on. I posted some of my preliminary sketches earlier this
week and have found a suitable pattern to use as a base. Now I'm just
waiting for the mail man to bring me the pattern and tomorrows trip to
SAS so that I can start a muslin mock up over the next few weeks. The
dress isn't due until the first of February, but with the craziness that
always seems to sneak up from nowhere around the holidays and the
desire for perfection I need to get started now otherwise I'm afraid I
might become design-zilla trying to rush to get things done.
I hope everyone has plans for a wonderful weekend and I hope your plans include something creative!

Wow! It only took me about 2 weeks to remember to write in my journal
again. This probably has something to do with the fact that I sprained
my ankle on Wednesday and haven't really been able to sew much. I did
go a little pin crazy this morning on Pinterest and in the process found
about 4 new patterns that I'm positive I need! I have finished or
almost finished the 3 new tops for Jazz's school clothes collection as
well as her swim suit (which as of yesterday has attended 2 pool
parties!). Her tops need a few finishing touches and some detail work
but other than that they are just about done. Alis has begun work on 2
more pieces for her collection a t-shirt and a ruffly skirt (neither of
which match the other) but she's pleased with both and with any luck as
my ankle gives me less trouble and starts to heal I will be able to
start sewing them together for her. I also have plans of making myself
not only a new swimsuit but also another maxi dress some time soon. I
also have a large blue bag of fabric that is just waiting to be
transformed. My older sister joined us on our last fabric buying
adventure and bought enough for a couple of dresses and also a couple of
tops, but she hasn't made any plans to get with me to actually choose
her designs. I hope she gets around to it soon, I would hate for her
summer clothes to get put off because I am in the middle of another
That's about all I have to report today, I haven't been able to do
much other than sitting and watching and maybe drawing a little this
I hope everyone is well and in between now and then do something creative! I can't wait to hear about it!
Well my ankle is feeling better which has made it a lot easier to get
a few projects done, but I'm WAY behind on my juniors collection. At
this point I think those pictures are going to go on the back burner
until next summer!
I'm going to spend the next few weeks working on assorted projects
ranging from sundresses to a few new top designs that I have in mind
that will be perfect for fall. Not that we actually have fall in AZ but
who knows maybe somebody who lives someplace that does might be

The lovely blue bag that I mentioned in my last post has been
released! Nancy was here last night and this morning and we spent a
couple of hours deciding what to do with all of her lovely material. So
far I have made a Maxi-Dress and a fitted top with ruffly details for
her collection and have plans to add a couple more tops, a shorter dress
(although since I didn't write it down I have no idea which one I was
supposed to make her) a poncho and for the grand finale of her
collection a one piece jumper. I have the sketches done, but the pattern
creation will have to wait until I am a little bit more mobile since it
will mean a lot of pinning and rearranging and I'm just barely up to
wandering around the house with out crutches forget jumping up and down
off the floor and running back and forth to the dress form with stops in
between to visit the sewing machine.

Sadly the healing of my ankle is bitter sweet. My step-kids will be
heading home on Sunday. My middle daughter Alison is a huge source of
inspiration and reminds me that sometimes the fun is as much in the
process as it is in the finished product. She has come a long way this
summer, learning to use the sewing machine with little to no help,
cutting her own patterns (although she still needs a little help with
pattern layout, but that took me a while to learn to) and even learning
how to sew by hand ( she was rushing and I decided it might be a good
time to slow her down and make her learn the basics). My older daughter
Jazmine has no real interest in actually sewing. She's used a machine
in school and sometimes will spend enough time in the studio to cut a
pattern or two but not much more than that. She has however revealed a
hidden talent that takes most seamstresses and designers years to
master. She has an amazing eye for color. Several times she has asked
me to make her something out of this and this (usually two pieces that
are GOD awful ugly) and the end result is amazing. She knows what colors
she looks good in and isn't afraid to speak up about what she wants.
She has also become a great companion. When I was first hurt she sat and
watched TV with me for an entire day because in her words "it's boring
to sit downstairs by yourself when you don't want to". She even made
dinner one night so that I didn't have to!So while I know them leaving
is a necessary evil because school starts soon I can honestly say I will
miss their company especially in my studio. Usually it's a place where I
go to get lost in my designs and in my thoughts, but these girls have
filled it with laughter and given me a whole new outlook on how I do
In other notes I made reservations to go visit one of my oldest
friends (and best customers) in San Diego. She is an artist of another
form and I can't wait to spend time exploring the creative process with
someone else. I also am in the planning stages of a photo shoot. I'm
hoping Jessica at Family Ties Photography will do some great pictures
for me of some of my favorite summer designs, not to mention wearing a
few of the ones I have created for he. I am also hoping that Nancy will
model some of her designs as well. It is my hope to be able to update
my website using pictures taken during this photo shoot as well as those
of other customers wearing their designs.
I guess that's about all of the rambling I have for today. Thank you all again for reading my thoughts and staying interested .
Have a great weekend!
Time to get that slacker stamp out again! It's been almost a month
since the last time I updated, but I have a good excuse, I haven't been
able to create anything. Every so often my creative energy burns out
and I need a break. The downside is this time it happened when I had a
dozen things that I wanted to get done. So I did the only thing that
seemed to feel right. I cut stuff up. I had as of this morning 4
garments that are completely cut and are ready to be stitched together
and 3 patterns that have been cut all the way down and are waiting to be
actually translated into material. For the first couple days this
bothered me and then I came to the conclusion as long as I don't run out
of pins and I don't misplace any pieces I should be ok and I just went
with it. This morning the log jam finally broke. I started putting
things together and coming up with new ideas. I have one dress ready to
ship Monday morning and 3 other things for the ''Big Sister''
collection that should be done tonight or tomorrow as long as I can keep
up my momentum which as long as this stupid ankle doesn't start hurting
again (or go from the dull ache it has been) . I also made a trip to
JoAnne's today, someplace I usually avoid because most of their fabric
is ridiculously over priced, but they had Butterick patterns on sale for
$.99. Butterick is not my favorite brand, but for less than a buck I
couldn't resist. I got a really cure wrap dress (which I envision
wearing with my hooker boots once this dumb ankle heals) and a couple of
really simple and really versatile top patterns, one of them may even
become the top part for my Christmas dress, but that remains to be
I don't have much else to talk about today but stay tuned and maybe it'll take me less than a month to write again
As you can see by yesterdays pictures I had a fairly productive
weekend. I haven't found the energy I had early in the summer where it
was nothing to complete 3-5 new designs in a single weekend (and
sometimes a single 24-36 hour period). I am gradually transitioning my
designs into fall and starting to think about that all important
Christmas dress that I should come up with, or maybe I won't maybe I'll
come up with a really great casual tunic that I can wear more than just
for Christmas. I suppose only time will tell. Not to mention what our
impending holiday plans will bring.....will we go to the company
Christmas party? Is Paula planning her yearly shin-dig (it's always one
of my favorite places to show off a new design or two) or will this year
be more low key....will our only holiday endeavors be the annual
ornament party at Uncle Gary's and our soon to be announced cookie bake
at our house? I suppose it will all come together as the time gets
closer. As the holidays approach I always find myself wondering what
the perfect gift would be for each person on my list, does Nancy want
wine and chocolate and other silly frivolous girl things or would she
like me to add a few more things to her "Big Sister" collection? Would
Kathy rather have the same or would she appreciate new PJ's from my soon
to be started Sweet Dreams collection. What can I make for Mom that
won't make her break out (she's allergic to most everything) or would a
gift card and new family pictures be a better idea. Auntie has already
expressed her desire for a top from the "At Work" collection, but of
course I have to find something special to go with it. Jessica is
always easy she loves frilly dresses and anything with bows on it, but
what would she really like should I go all out and make her several
things or will she crucify me because I do to much. What about Mila, are
Stacy and I going to exchange gifts this year? I have a wonderful idea
for daddy, but can I get it done in time, not to mention finding the
material with out it costing a small fortune. Now comes what I bet is
the hardest for everyone to believe, I LOVE CHRISTMAS TIME and I love
sharing the things I make with the people I care about.
I have started work on several exciting things, but a couple of them
actually involve pants so that could prove to be troublesome when it
comes to taking pictures unless I get the person I am making them for to
hold still and seeing as how she won't be in the same place for longer
than a few weeks until sometime next month it could prove to be
interesting. I also have a few other things for this person who is the
ultimate owner of the ''Big Sister'' collection. All I can say is I hope
she likes the stuff I've come up with and gets lots of wear out of it.
I also hope she remembers to send me pictures when she wears the stuff I
made her so that I can add them to the Photo's fro m friends album not
to mention use them to update my Wix website/
Withe holidays fast approaching I have also started to consider other
non-sewing projects that would make great gifts (especially with out
breaking the already thin walls of my Piggy bank), so as the holiday
season rolls over us don't be surprised to see Non-sewing type things
popping up from time to time. I am after all a fairly creative person
and would like to be able to share in my creativity in any way that I
can. Also always remember that if you see something of a Non-Sewing
nature on the site I would be glad to get you one or at the very least
share with you how it was made.
I think that is about the end of my ramblings for this time, but I
may be back sooner than later, I have found a new spot in my house that
while separate from my studio leads to thoughts of creativity and a
desire to share with others the pretty things I see and the crazy
thoughts I have.
I am toying with the idea of putting together a Quilted Elephant
calendar for 2013 and would appreciate any input y'all might want to
give me!
Stay Creative and I'll write again soon!